This is not a new message and it is surely words you've thought or said before. I'm struggling a little bit. I let a few days go buy without spending time in God's Word. I got to bed a few nights late and woke up a little later than normal and I let the day just zoom right by without taking time to read the Word. Now it is not quite so easy to prioritize my day, not quite so easy to answer my kids with patience, not quite so easy to be kind to my wife when she is upset. It is not quite so easy to be Christlike. Gee not hard to figure that one out.
I know the joy I get from living in obedience and communion with God. I know the pain of being too busy for God- I've seen those consequences too many times. So why do I do it? Why do I not do what is right?
Because it is natural. Because it is normal. Because it is our nature, our sin nature to NOT seek God. It is the unnatural thing to seek God, to want His will in my life. Sometimes my kids struggle with making good choices and as we are talking about it they complain that it is not easy to obey. They know I expect them to obey and I probably make it sound like it is easy. Just do the right thing, just do it, don't fuss, don't waiver, just do it, follow God and do what is right. We set that bar high, don't we? We fuss at them, scold them, discipline them when they make poor and sinful choices. We really expect them to make good decisions and we let them know that in no uncertain terms.
Sin is normal. Godly behavior is not. It is kind of a shocker to my kids as they've gotten older when I explain this to them. They have always believed that being a good boy or a good girl was normal and they were in trouble for not being normal not being good. Well I guess in a way that is not a bad idea for them to have. But as my children have gotten older and made some bad conscious choices and felt remorse over them and frustration with their seeming inability to please God continually, I've had some talks with them about this complicated matter. I tell them it is hard to follow God. They look at me like I've said something bad. We have this discussion frequently and as they get older their understanding of God is growing. They are learning that is not easy but it is right and even though it is not easy, the pain of doing right is less than the eventual pain of doing wrong.
It is such a simple thing that I have to learn over and over. We are called to be abnormal creatures, not creatures of habit and instinct, not to do what comes natural and what feels good.
So that's why I failed to study some of God's Word the past few days. That's why I let things get too busy for God. Not really because I was purposefully pushing God out, but instead because I was NOT purposefully pulling God into my life so to speak. It is normal to not seek God. I was acting normal. So today on lunch I'll be opening God's Word. And tomorrow morning I'll make time for a very unnatural act- meeting with my Lord and Savior and to read His words to me and talk with Him.
I encourage you likewise; take time to have an UNnatural day.
Be encouraged and lead your families,
Philip Buford
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