Monday, August 6, 2007

Do you understand your role as a man?

Do you understand your role as a Man?

Do you understand how important it is for you to be the man of God that you
were created to be?

What does that look like? If you are like me and the majority of guys out
there, we are all fumbling around trying to do what we think we should be
doing; and guess what? We aren't doing too good of a job. I want to give you
a few stats and I think it will give you a glimpse of how serious of a
problem we are now facing.

For every 10 men in the average church...
* 9 will have kids who leave the church
* 8 will not find their jobs satisfying
* 6 will pay monthly minimum on credit cards
* 5 have a major problem with pornography
* 4 will get divorced affecting 1,000,000 children each year
* Only 1 will have a biblical worldview
* All 10 will struggle to balance family & work
What is a Biblical Worldview? George Barna has put together what he believes
are the eight criteria to having a Biblical Worldview. They are:
1. Belief in absolute truth as defined by Scripture.
2. Accuracy of the Word of God. In other words, the inerrancy of Scripture.
3. Sinless nature of Jesus Christ.
4. The literal existence of Satan.
5. The Omnipotence of God, or God is all powerful.
6. The Omniscience of God, or God is all knowing.
7. Salvation by grace alone.
8. Personal Responsibility to Evangelism.

On a typical weekend in America, 26 million men will attend church sevices,
while 68 million men will stay at home. Of those 68 million, 85% of them,
were at one time or another connected to the church.

I love statistics! I know that one can skew them to say what you want them
to say, but usually, they can give you a pretty good gauge of what's going
on and where we're headed.

The Greatest Needs We Face...
* A Moral & Spiritual Reformation of Society
* A Discipleship Reformation of the Church
* A Reformation of the Christian Family
* A Reformation of Christian Marriage
* A Reformation of Biblical Manhood
Now I'm not going to go thru each of these things, but I want to touch on
the last point: Reformation of Biblical Manhood. Did you know:

* If a child is won to the gospel, we, the church have a 25% chance of
winning the whole family to the Kingdom.
* If a woman or wife comes to know the Lord, we, the church have a 29%
chance of winning the rest of that family, but*
* If a man or husband is won to Christ, there is a 95% chance that whole
family will be saved!

It's not just a lack of presence; most of the men who do attend our worship
services just aren't "getting it." Every week the gospel bounces off their
souls like bullets off superman's chest. Here are the facts:
* More than 90 percent of American men believe in God, and 5 out of 6 call
themselves Christians. But only 2 out of 6 attend church on a given Sunday.
The average man accepts the reality of Jesus Christ, but fails to see any
value in going to church.
* A significant number of churchgoing men attend out of habit, unaffected by
what they hear.
* Quite a few men go to church simply to keep their
wives/mothers/girlfriends happy.
* The majority of men who attend church do nothing during the week to grow
their faith.
* Relatively few churches are able to establish or maintain a vibrant men's

We all need other "healthy" men to come along side us to help us out. One
thing I have come to know and it is this: Satan wants to keep you isolated.
He wants you by your self, and it doesn't matter whether you are married or
single. When you are by yourself, this is when Satan can work on you the
best. You see, it is so hard for him to work on you if you have a couple
godly men around you and pouring themselves into you. We need men as our
peers to help us be accountable to each other. We need some of you gray
hairs to guide us. Men, older men, you have lived it! We need you more than
ever! Besides, the Bible tells you to. See Titus chapter two.

If we are going to have healthy churches, the men of the church must get
involved in the life of other men. Together, we can see our churches get on
fire for the Lord. The end result is what the church needs is a great
revival and take back what Satan has robbed us from.

Glory, Honor, and Praises to the Lord Most High!

Ed Sanchez
Men's Minister
First Baptist Church, Dallas
214.969.7735 office
214.208.3190 cell

Thanks for today's blog posting to - Ed Sanchez


"While it is hard to motivate someone with no Vision, it is almost
impossible to stop someone with a Vision." - gary kendall

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