I was reading Hosea last night and while the Scripture is very clear that Gomer’s unfaithfulness is a picture of Israel’s unfaithfulness, I was reminded that we are like Gomer too sometimes. I have seen God work in our lives and other peoples lives in miraculous ways, but sometimes, when things are going good, it is easy to forget that God is the provider of all things – not me in my human skills, talents, or whatever. I begin to worship other things like work, school, myself, even family. Not that I set up little candles around my school books and pray to them, but my primary focus is on those things and not on the Lord, so in essence, they are my god at that time. Pretty stupid isn’t it?
Maybe I’m more like this Gomer:
It is so interesting to see that God actively pursues us, even when we run away from Him!
Then I came across this verse in chapter 9:
Hosea 9:7 (New International Version)
Because your sins are so many and your hostility so great, the prophet is considered a fool, the inspired man a maniac.
This really spoke to me: He is talking about Israel’s sin & hostility being so great that the men of God are despised. I think about our culture, which is filled with sin and hostility; then I realize that none of the non-Christians I know consider me a fool or a maniac. This verse is probably hyperbole, but it’s still convicting. The world is evil and despised the things and people of God. Why am I not despised and thought to be a lunatic or even dumb like Gomer Pyle? Have I not committed myself totally to the Lord in my conversations and actions? I don’t know, but I do know that I don’t want to be a friend to the world, and that as Men of God, we are called to act in such a way that shines light into darkness. Light and darkness are a funny thing. When you want to leave the darkness, the light is welcomed and appreciated, no matter how bright or hot it is. But, if you want to stay in the darkness (like I did this morning when I didn’t want to get out of bed J ) the light is hated, you want to cover yourself up and hide from it or lash out and destroy the source.
For the most part, the world wants the darkness, needs the darkness (it thinks!). It is our job to strap on a light every day so that no matter where we go, who we talk to, what we do, the light is shining into the darkness. They may think we are mean or crazy, but that is what God says His man will be called. I think it is worth it to be called His man.
Nathan Campbell
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