Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Regarding Prayer

We know that God wants to answer our prayers, but are lacking effectiveness? Look at what 1 Peter 3:7 says on the subject:

Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.


Isn’t that interesting? How we treat our wives directly relates to the effectiveness of our praying. That is very convicting (at least to me) – how often have I prayed and prayed for something yet that morning treated my wife in an un-Godly manner? While I do believe God can and sometimes does still honor those prayers – I wish I had hidden this nugget in my heart.


A couple of other thoughts on prayer and evangelism from the book Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala:


“If we call upon the Lord, he has promised us in His Word to answer, to bring the unsaved to Himself, to pour out His Spirit among us. If we don’t call upon the Lord, he has promised nothing – nothing at all. No matter what (we) preach or claim to believe in our heads, the future will depend upon our times of prayer.”  (Thank you Gary for leading out in this on Wednesday nights)


“Consider how many gospel preaching churches there are in the fifty states of America – 200,000 if not more. If each of these churches, on average, brought only two converts to Christ a week – not robbing from other churches down the road, but winning new people for the kingdom of God – that would mean 100 new baptized believers in each church in a year’s time, or 20,000,000 nationwide. The population of the entire United States is about 270,000,000. By merely bringing eight or nine people a month to Christ in each church, America would be dramatically changed within two or three years Can any serious Bible preaching church not take on this modest goal in the name of it’s King? We wouldn’t recognize the culture anymore! Broadway and Hollywood would have to acknowledge the shift in audience preferences. Abortion clinics would wonder where all their customers went. Drug abuse would plummet.”


          Matt. 28-19-20


That is a lofty goal; but certainly one that God wants to answer. As we prepare for each new day, let us keep the words of 1 Peter 3:7 on our hearts so that we can be efficient prayer warriors.


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1 comment:

Philip Buford said...

Thank you for focusing my heart toward prayer today. Thank you for bringing back to the forefront of my mind our need to bring into the kingdom, those who will perish for an eternity in hell. It is too easy to grow and be fed and even to feed, challenge and encourage the brothers. Our task must be to save the lost from a life of pain and eternity of without God.
Philip Buford