Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Wednesday is for Encouragement

Men of God,
Psalms 19:14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight , O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

That’s a verse I heard over and over again growing up. It’s funny how many things you hear growing up and never really think about what they mean until later. Some things you can’t grasp until you are older but some things you can understand by just taking a few minutes to think them through. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Just another verse I had heard here and there at church and probably at home while growing up. Never really gave it much time. I can hear that being read in unison by the congregation during a worship service.

Here is a simple story of just looking deeper and asking questions to find the meaning. I had three grandmothers growing up: Mamaw, Mimi and Mabear. Two of those names probably look fairly normal. Let me tell you, you will not find a Hallmark card about Mabear. Those three names were the names of those old ladies in my life that took care of me from time to time and gave me gifts. I knew their real names were Ludie, Maude and Eva but I didn’t question their nicknames. Not until one day when I was in junior high. Maybe I had been to the store to buy a birthday card for my grandmother. Whatever the situation, I asked my dad, “Why do we call your mom Mabear?” My dad smiled and said, “You don’t know that story?” I replied that I didn’t. He then told me a funny story how years before my grandmother used to refer to the grandsons a little bears and on one occasion my aunt drew a birthday card with all the family members being bears. Well then it was obvious, the grandsons were the little bears and she was Ma Bear. I actually felt kind of dumb for not having realized the simple meaning behind the words.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. A verse I’ve read over and again. Not until this Sunday night after the service when I was down at the front of the sanctuary praying for my family and the men of Dallas did the words and meaning unfold like never before. I’m pretty simple in a lot of ways. This is not profound. I’m kneeling there praying and felt lead to read Psalm 19 while I praying so I did.

“Let the words of my mouth” – oh, you mean the words I say at work when I’m joking around, the words I say when I’m so upset at my child that brought home a failing grade, the hurtful words I yell at my the woman I love more than anyone when I lose my temper, but also the words I saw when I’m teaching kids on Sunday morning and the words I say when I pray with my daughter at night? All the words, the good and not.

Okay, those words….keep going. “…and the meditation of my heart” – okay, the things I meditate on while I’m driving to work, the scriptures, the prayers for family, but also the fleeting thoughts that I trap in my mind and ruminate over- sexual thoughts that I have no business dwelling on, thoughts of anger and bitterness, thoughts of resentment and discontent that are not of God.

What’s next? “…be acceptable in Thy sight” – ouch, way too many of those words and thoughts are no where near “acceptable” to our loving, holy God. You can’t control what thoughts jump into your head, but you can control which ones you push right out. Our words and thoughts need to be acceptable to God. The first thing I thought was- that is so hard. It is so difficult to do, to be so diligent to guard my words and thoughts. It wears me out. It is such a struggle some days, and not all days are victorious.

“…O Lord, my rock...” There is the answer for the difficult task – my ROCK. He, He alone, is my rock, my strength. In His strength, I can make those conscious decisions to follow Him. But even so, even when I lean on Him take courage and strength from God above, sometimes I fail.

“…and my redeemer.” And there is the answer for my failings. When I do fail, He is my redeemer. He ransomed my soul from hell. He is my loving Father and Savior.

Psalms 19:14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord my rock and my redeemer. Say those words. Pray those words today. Meditate on those words as you drive home or do tasks that don’t require a lot of brain power. Be encouraged and strengthened. Sometimes the meaning is so clear if you just take the time to look.

Next Sunday night after the service, come join us down front to pray for the Men of God in Dallas to stand up.

Be encouraged and lead.
Philip Buford

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While it is hard to motivate someone with no Vision, it is almost impossible to stop someone with a Vision.

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